Sunday, September 10, 2006

2001: A Neocon Fantasy

Yeah, just like the chimps in "2001", our own little neocon monkeys went apeshit when the jets hit the WTC and the Pentagon. This was their chance to advance an imperialist agenda they had been planning for years, and they didn't give a damn about the people who died (or who would die.) they just wanted to have an excuse to swagger and act like the macho men they never were when they were young. But once a chickenhawk, always a chickenhawk.

Fuck 'em! With all the bullshit docudramas (read: lies) and chest beating, it's all just fodder for the New World Order they want to install. And it's a house of cards that will fall a lot more quickly than the WTC towers did. Their strategies and tactics do not work, and their dreams are nothing but empty fantasies.

The real way to honor those who died when the towers fell would be to throw the bums out of office.

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