Monday, May 29, 2006

Short Term Memory Loss

Yes, it is Memorial Day, which depending on your employment is either a holiday, a massive sale, or the first day of tourist season. Oh, and supposedly a day of rememberence for those who fought in our country's wars, be they to protect freedom or to protect business interests.

The thing is, we have men and women dying right now to shore up the shakiest of logic in a country that really doesn't want us there. Do we remember them? Do we honor them by showing that they are worth more than our idiot president's pride and unwavering stupidity, or do we just give thanks that it is not us and go watch the season finale of 24?

We could give a real memorial here, by getting the people in harm's way out of that morass, by supporting them upon their return with medical and psychological treatment, education, and all the other things they were promised as a part of their service to our country. But it looks like the chickenhawks in charge are instead cutting that memorial, whittling it away day by day, and life by life.

And how about a Memorial for the many Iraqis who have died as a result of the Neocons twisted agenda of fantasy imperialism?

It is Memorial Day, and as Mother Jones once said, perhaps it is time to "Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living."

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