Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Wing Nut World has Gone In-Fucking-Sane

(Via HuffPo)
Happy Veterans Day, to one and all, but especially to the folks over at Google, who thought they'd commemorate the occasion by altering their logo to suit the occasion, only to be reminded that the world is full of people who are crazy and freaked-out on a 24-hour basis about Sharia law!

Google's design today uses the staff of a waving American flag as the "L" in its name, which means Old Glory itself obstructs the "E" in it's name, leaving most of the letter obscured, save for the OMGZ ISLAM CREEPING CALIPHATE TAKEOVER CRESCENT, obviously.
Every time I think the wing nuts are as batshit crazy as they are going to get, they prove me wrong. Hey, what about this example of the creeping Muslim influence?:

Scary, huh? Also just as full of shit as the Google logo theory.

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