Monday, October 01, 2007

Bush is all heart for other rich white guys, though

"I hope this little rug rat ain't sick!"

Watching Dubya vow to veto Health Care for Children on "ideological" grounds is so revealing. He is so lacking in empathy, a quality without which he cannot understand other people's suffering, even that of little children. If you're not rich, white, and Republican, he just doesn't relate to you. "Hell," says Dubya. "My kids are doing just fine, and Cheney's too!"

Meanwhile, he ups the ante in the hellhole we call Iraq, spending enough money there inflicting suffering in one month to give Health Care to millions of children for a whole year. There are the man's priorities, laid out for everyone to see.

How's that whole compassionate conservative thing coming, eh?

1 comment:

Swampcracker said...

Stop! Hey! Put that baby down before you damage it.