Thursday, September 14, 2006

Quail Update

In case you were wondering about our quail neighbors, here's a bit of an update. I counted 13 chicks initially, but that has dwindled to two over the last week. The ones who have survived are very skittish (which is probably why they made it), so I've been unable to get any shots of them. Here's what I have been able to snap:

There are about seven adults I see at various times, and they love the seed I throw out, both from our cockatiels' leavings and the stuff we buy. I just throw it in the ground, as the raccoons around here with drag a feeder to the ground to get the seed, resulting in broken feeders more often than not.

It's sad for us as humans to see the chicks disappear, but I do realize this is nature's way. It is neither good nor bad, and the chicks provided nourishment for some other creature in the food chain. I don't eat quail myself (though I am not a vegetarian.) I have a lot of fun watching these creatures go about their lives.

We actually have quite a menagerie, with chipmunks, jays, towhees, deer, hawks, and others making appearances. Last night I chased a skunk up our lane as I drove home. It is a wonderful place to live. I hope you enjoy these pictures of life in the Northwest Nowhere.

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