Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Joe Shmoe

That was then:
In the end, my own feeling is, looking at the polls, but intuiting, based on people I talk to, is that, although Senator Kerry got a lot of votes, 56 million votes, more than any Democratic candidate for president in history, but there's no prizes for second place in American politics. - Joe Leiberman on Chris Wallace on November 14th, 2004
This is now:

I worry that this victory by Ned Lamont . . . will send a message across our state and our country that the Democratic Party has been taken over by people who are not from the mainstream of America. And they are going to make this not Bill Clinton's party anymore. - The same dude today after losing to Ned Lamont
Apparently, Joe has an easier time of it losing to Republicans than he does to losing to someone from his own party. And when he talks about the "mainstream" Democrat party, maybe he's missing the point. He no longer represents that mainstream, any more than George Bush does. Say it ain't so, Joe . . . .

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