Monday, February 28, 2011

John Reischman and the Jaybirds Return to the North Coast

John Reischman and the Jaybirds have played numerous times at the Little River Inn on the North coast of California. They are always delightful and entertaining, and tonight proved no different. Both individually and as band members, they are gifted performers. They take bluegrass back to its roots, bring it into the present, and give it a future.

 The Jaybirds

John Reischman and Greg Spatz.

Reischman, Nick Hornbuckle, and Jim Nunally

Hornbuckle, Reischman, Trisha Gagnon, and Nunally

Happy Birthday, John!

As you can see, this was a memorable evening of music. Their new CD is just out, entitled "Vintage and Unique", and is well worth having, as are any of their releases. But go see this remarkable band live if you can. The Jaybirds are a force to be reckoned with!

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