Thursday, September 03, 2009

My "WTF" moment:

As a member of the constituency that has an ever shrinking influence on the powers that be in this country—namely, the actual citizens of our fair land—I have to say that I am growing increasing disillusioned with the Democratic Party, and in particular with our President. I worked hard and gave money to see that he defeated the Republican Party, only to see him court and cater to that same party for virtually nothing in return. What the fuck?

The stirring rhetoric and bold intentions seem to be dim memories now, as we, the people, become extras in a drama that seems to involve the politicians, the corporations, and the main stream media, but not us. And who will be paying the price for this about face? Those self-same extras (US), as we become another natural resource for the captains of the financial industries to exploit and harvest as they see fit.

We have heard so much about how bad Socialism is, but what the hell is so great about Capitalism? No matter who is in charge, unless you have some capital, you do not count. The stark contrast between the quick action in the bail out (helping the monied few) and the slow travesty which is health care reform (potentially helping the many with true needs) is very clear, and very disheartening.

Please, Mr. Obama, prove me wrong!!! Make true Health Care Reform your moment to deliver the "hope" and "change" you promised as you sought our support. Or, I'm sorry to say, I may just sit out the next election.

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