Sunday, February 08, 2009

Up here in the Northwest Nowhere

The rain has held off for far too long, and now it is pattering on the roof; a tattoo of necessary moisture for our parched Northern California enclave. Climate change? Whatever you think is causing it, it is real.

Our Governator is considering eliminating the Civilian Conservation Corps, a vestige of public works and one of the last lines against some of the fires that have ravaged our neck of the woods over the last decade or so. Maybe the rich buddies who gave the big tax cuts to will chip in and help pay for some sort of private fire fighters, eh? Hmmmm---I highly doubt it. Ah-nie will just continue writing IOUs and furloughing State workers while he and Maria sip fine Cally-for-nya wines.

So, we sure do need the rains. And the snows. And whatever other moisture we can get to keep the upper part of the State and most of the NW from going up in flames. Because we are running out of options if things get any worse than last year.

Are our representatives so short sighted to miss the connection between cutting revenues for the rich (although Gov. Ah-nold is making noises about raising the sales tax, which will hurt the poor and what's left of the middle class the most) and the fix we find ourselves in with deteriorating infrastructure, disappearing public services, and rising deficits? Are do they just not care, being so beholden to the masters whose tune they so willingly dance to? Like the Congress that shoveled taxpayer money to the banks without accountability or question, and yet quibble about spending money to create jobs, or help those who are TRULY in need.

Rain, please keep coming! Only divine intervention can save us from the fools who think that their biggest duty is to the upper one percent of the financial spectrum.

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